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更新时间:2023-12-04 20:33




 1 ) Crossroads - Film “Operation Anthropoid” and Real Events Happened



A famous person said: history is always similar to be seen in multiple events along the historical river.

So a series of arrows will eventually point to the single event through various facts and documents. This event may be ranged shortly among very short moment or a long historical stage.

This paper will focus on the history from the film ‘Anthropoid’ through investigating and collecting information as to give a clear, equal and unbiased appearance towards every main characters in the film. Additionally, this paper will focus on the eventsappeared in this film.

WWII Europe 1941-1942 Map

Before introducing the event of Operation Anthropoid which is the original event in the film, we should firstly introduce the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

Czechoslovakia during 1918-1938

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was a protectorate of Nazi Germany established on 16 March 1939 following the German occupation of Czechoslovakia on 15 March 1939. Czechoslovakia was firstly demanded to give the control of the Sudetenland to Adolf Hitler in September 1938. And on 26 September 1938, Britain and France ceded control in the Appeasement at the Munich Conference, which was finally known by the world, the Munich Agreement. Additionally, the remainder (“rump”) of Czechoslovakia was invaded and divided into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and the puppet Slovak State.

Until to the date on 27 September 1941, Reinhard Heydrich, the aim of Operation Anthropoid, was appointed Deputy Reich Protector of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and assumed control of the territory.

Reinhard Heydrich

Due to the reason that Hitler, Himmler, and Heydrich felt the former protector Konstantin von Neurath’s “soft approach” to the Czechs had promoted anti-German sentiment and encouraged anti-German resistance via strikes and sabotage. Upon his appointment, Heydrich told his aides:

We will Germanize the Czeh vermin.

Heydrich came to Prague, the capital of Czech, to enforce policy, fight resistance to the Nazi regime, and keep up production quotas of Czech motors and arms that were “extremely important to the German war effort”. To realize his goals Heydrich demanded racial classification of those who could and could not be Germanized. He explained:

Making this Czech garbage into Germans must give way to methods based on racist thought.

During his rule by terrorizing the population of Protector before the date on December 1941, the date of starting the plan of Operation Anthropoid, Heydrich arrested estimated between 4,000 and 5,000 people. By 3 October 1941, the decision was taken by Czechoslovak military intelligence in London to kill Heydrich. This is the starting date of planning Operation Anthropoid.

Planning Operation

There are several reasons of planning to kill Heydrich. Firstly, he was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and an important figure in the rise of Adolf Hitler; he was given overall charge of the Final Solution (Holocaust) of the Jews in Europe. Secondly, killing him can help confer legitimacy on government-in-exile in London, as well as for retribution against Heydrich’s brutally efficient rule. The third reason is that, during the WWII, the resistance was active from the very beginning of occupation in several other countries defeated in open warfare, but the subjugated Czech lands remained relatively calm and produced significant amounts of materiel for Nazi Germany. The purpose of operation is to demonstrated to senior Nazis that they were not beyond the reach of allied forces and the resistance groups they supported. (Maybe this is the reason in the beginning screen that the locals want to sell the two intelligence to the Nazi. Some of the locals in Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia wanted to follow the rule by Nazi German rather than defeating. Another reason of selling was probably the terrorizing control by Heydrich.)

After starting the plan, Czechoslovak intelligence was trained by the British Special Operation Executive (SOE). Preparation began on 20 October 1941. the intelligence was selected from 2,000 exiled Czechoslovak soldiers based in Britain. In the training, one of the intelligence of operation was replaced by another person after the intelligence received a head injury during training. This replacement made the new intelligence named Jan Kubis had not completed training, nor had the necessary false documents been prepared for him. (The potential reason of operation “failure”) Another intelligence was Jozef Gabcik.


On 28 December 1941, the intelligence, Gabcik and Kubis landed near the east of Prague and there was a mistaken landing due to the navigation problems of pilots. In Prague, they contacted several families and anti-Nazi organizations who helped them during the preparations for the assassination. Upon learning of the nature of the mission, resistance leaders begged the Czechoslovak government-in-exile to call off the attack, say that:

An attempt against Heydrich’s life... would be of no use to the Allies and its consequences for our people would be immeasurable. Benes, the head of the Czechoslovak government-in-exile in British, personally broadcast a message insisting that the attack go forward, although he denied any involvement after the war. Professor Voitech Mastny, an American historian of Czech descent, argues that

he clung to the scheme as the last resort to dramatize Czech resistance.

Gabcik and Kubis initially planned to kill Heydrich on a train, but after examination of the practicalities, they realized this was not going to be possible.

A second plan was to kill him on forest road that led from Heydrich’s home to Prague. They planned to pull a cable across the road that would stop Heydrich’s car but, after waiting several hours, their commander, Lt. Adolf Opalka who was a member of the Czech sabotage group Out Distance, a WWII anti-Nazi resistance group and a participant in Operation Anthropoid, came to bring them back to Prague.

A third plan was to kill Heydrich in Prague.

The Attack in Prague and Medical Treatment and Death of Heydrich

On 27 May 1942 at 10:30, Heydrich started his daily commute from his home in Paneske Brezany to his headquarters at Prague Castle. Gabcik and Kubis waited at the tram stop at a tight curve near Bulovka Hospital in Prague 8-Liben, where the curve would force the car to slow down. Josef Valcik, member of the Resistance from group Silver A, was positioned about 100 meters north of Gabcik and Kubis as lookout for the approaching car.

Heydrich's green, open-topped Mercedes 320 Convertible B reached the curve two minutes later. As Heydrich's car slowed, Gabčík stepped in front of the vehicle and tried to open fire with his Sten submachine gun, but it jammed and failed to fire. Instead of ordering his driver, SS-Oberscharführer Klein, to speed away, Heydrich called his car to halt and then stood up to shoot Gabčík with his Luger pistol. Kubiš then threw a modified anti-tank grenade (concealed in a briefcase) at the rear of the car as it stopped and its fragments ripped through the car's right rear fender, embedding shrapnel and fibres from the upholstery into Heydrich’s body, upon detonation, wounding him. Kubiš was also injured by the shrapnel.

Another of Heydrich’s Mercedes 320 Convertible B cars, similar to the one in which he was mortally wounded.

Heydrich staggered out of the car, apparently unaware of his shrapnel injuries, with his gun in his hand; Gabčík and Kubiš fired at Heydrich with their Colt M1903 pistols but, themselves shocked by the explosion, failed to hit him. Heydrich then chased Kubiš and tried to return fire. Kubiš jumped on his bicycle and pedaled away. Heydrich ran after him for half a block but became weak from shock and collapsed. Heydrich, still with pistol in hand, gripped his left flank, which was bleeding profusely. He ordered Klein to chase Gabčík on foot, saying "Get that bastard!". Klein chased him into a butcher shop, where Gabčík shot him twice with a pistol, severely wounding him in the leg. Gabčík then escaped in a tram, reaching a local safe house.Gabčík and Kubiš did not know that Heydrich was wounded, and were convinced the attack had failed.

A Sten submachine gun, Gabcik’s gun suffered from failure to feed. Czechoslovak paratroopers often complained about the low reliability of B

Late in the afternoon of 27 May, SS Karl Hermann Frank proclaimed a state of emergency and curfew in Prague. Anyone who helped the attackers was to be executed along their family. A search involving 21,000 men began and 36,000 houses were checked. By 4 June, 157 people had been executed as a result of the reprisals but the assassins had not been found and no information was forthcoming.

A Czech woman went to Heydrich's aid and flagged down a delivery van. He was placed in the back of the van, on his stomach, and taken to the emergency room at Bulovka Hospital. He had suffered severe injuries to his left side, with major damage to his diaphragm, spleen, and one of his lungs. A splenectomy was performed, and the chest wound, left lung, and diaphragm were all debrided.

Himmler ordered another doctor, Karl Gebhardt, to fly to Prague to assume care. Despite a fever, Heydrich's recovery appeared to progress well. Theodor Morell, Hitler's personal doctor, suggested the use of sulfonamide (a new antibacterial drug), but Gebhardt, thinking Heydrich would recover, declined the suggestion. On 2 June, during a visit by Himmler, Heydrich reconciled himself to his fate by reciting a part of one of his father's operas:

The world is just a barrel-organ which the Lord God turns himself. We all have to dance to the tune which is already on the drum.

Heydrich slipped into a coma after Himmler's visit and never regained consciousness. He died on 4 June; an autopsy concluded he died of sepsis which is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to infection causes injury to its tissues and organs.

Heydrich's assailants hid in safe houses and eventually took refuge in Ss. Cyril and Methodius Cathedral, an Orthodox church in Prague. After a traitor in the Czech resistance betrayed their location, the church was surrounded by 800 members of the SS and Gestapo. Several Czechs were killed, and the remainder hid in the church's crypt. The Germans attempted to flush the men out with gunfire, tear gas, and by flooding the crypt. Eventually an entrance was made using explosives. Rather than surrender, the soldiers killed themselves. Supporters of the assassins who were killed in the wake of these events included the church's leader, Bishop Gorazd, who is now revered as a martyr of the Orthodox Church.


Infuriated by Heydrich's deathon 9 June, the decision was made to “make up for his death”, Hitler ordered the arrest and execution of 10,000 randomly selected Czechs. But after consultations with Karl Hermann Frank, he altered his response. The Czech lands were an important industrial zone for the German military, and indiscriminate killing could reduce the region's productivity. Hitler ordered a quick investigation. Intelligence falsely linked the assassins to the towns of Lidice and Ležáky. A Gestapo report stated that Lidice, 22 kilometres (14 mi) north-west of Prague, was suspected as the assailants' hiding place because several Czech army officers, then in England, had come from there and the Gestapo found a resistance radio transmitter in Ležáky.

On 9 June, after discussions with Himmler and Karl Hermann Frank, Hitler ordered brutal reprisals. Beginning on 10 June, all males over the age of 16 in the villages of Lidice and Ležáky were murdered. All the women in Ležáky were also murdered.

All but four of the women from Lidice were deported immediately to Ravensbrück concentration camp (four were pregnant – they were subjected to forced abortions at the same hospital where Heydrich had died and the women were then sent to the concentration camp). Some children were chosen for Germanization, and 81 were killed in gas vans at the Chełmno extermination camp. Both towns were burned and Lidice's ruins were levelled.[140][141] Overall, at least 1,300 Czechs, including 200 women, were killed in reprisal for Heydrich's assassination.

Additionally, under the Hitler’s ordering investigation and reprisals on the very day of the assassination attempt, more than 13,000 were arrested, including intelligence Jan Kubis girlfriend Anna, who subsequently died in the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp. First Lieutenant Adolf Opalka’s aunt Marie Opalkova was executed in the Mauthausen camp on 24 October 1942; his father Viktor Jarolim was also killed. According to one estimate, 5,000 people were murdered in the reprisals.

Furthermore, in the investigation, a deadline was publicly issued to the military and the people of Czechoslovakia for the assassins to be apprehended by 18 June 1942. If they were not caught by then, the Germans threatened to spill far more blood as a consequence, believing that this threat would be enough to force a potential informant to sell out the culprits. Many civilians were indeed weary and fearful of further retaliations, making it increasingly difficult to hide information much longer. The assailants initially hid with two Prague families and later took refuge in Karel Boromejsky Church, an Eastern Orthodox church dedicated to Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Prague. The Germans were unable to locate the attackers until Karel Čurda of the "Out Distance" sabotage group turned himself in to the Gestapo and gave them the names of the team's local contacts for the bounty of one million Reichsmarks which is a currency in Germany.

(Karel Curda was an active Czech Nazi collaborator during WWII. A solider of the Czechoslovak army in exile, he was parachuted into the protectorate in 1942 as a member of the sabotage group Out Distance. After the war, Curda was tracked down and arrested. Curda was found guilty of treason and hanged on 29 April 1947. In the alternative theory from Czech historian Plachy, he gave a different account of Curda’s personality and motives. The immediate aftermath of the assassination put Curda under huge pressure as he knew the Nazis could wipe out his whole family and village, just as they had wiped out Lidce and Lezaky, two villages. However, the problem with this theory is that the massacres in Lidice and Lezaky did not occur until almost a moth after Karel Curda’s betrayal. Thus, his betrayal was mainly due to the rewarding of selling out the names of intelligence agent.)

Čurda betrayed several safe houses provided by the Jindra group, including that of the Moravec family in Žižkov. At 05:00 on 17 June, the Moravec flat was raided. The family was made to stand in the hallway while the Gestapo searched their flat. Marie Moravec was allowed to go to the toilet, where she bit into a cyanide capsule and killed herself. Alois Moravec was unaware of his family's involvement with the resistance; he was taken to the Petschek Palace together with his 17-year-old son Ata, who was tortured throughout the day but refused to talk. The youth was stupefied with brandy, shown his mother's severed head in a fish tank, and warned that, if he did not reveal the information that they were looking for, his father would be next. Ata's strong willpower finally snapped, and he told the Gestapo what they wanted to know. Vlastimil "Ata" Moravec was executed by the Nazis in Mauthausen on 24 October 1942, the same day as his father, his fiancée, her mother and her brother were executed.

Waffen-SS troops laid siege to the church the following day, but they were unable to take the paratroopers alive, despite the best efforts of 750 SS soldiers under the command of SS-Gruppenführer Karl Fischer von Treuenfeld. Kubiš, Adolf Opálka, and Josef Bublík were killed in the prayer loft after a two-hour gun battle. (Kubiš was said to have survived the battle and to have died shortly after from his injuries.) Gabčík, Josef Valcik, Jaroslav Svarc and Jan Hruby committed suicide in the crypt after repeated SS attacks, attempts to force them out with tear gas, and Prague fire brigade trucks brought in to try to flood the crypt. The German SS and police suffered casualties, as well, with 14 SS allegedly killed and 21 wounded, according to one report, although the official SS report about the fight mentioned only five wounded SS soldiers. The men in the church had only small-caliber pistols, while the attackers had machine guns, submachine guns, and hand grenades. After the battle, Čurda confirmed the identity of the dead Czech resistance fighters, including Kubiš and Gabčík.

(Gabcik and the others, with the exception of Kubis, who was seriously wounded by a grenade, committed suicide before the Nazis could take them alive in the Church catacombs.

Jozef Gabcik

Kubis was wounded in the gun battle and died shortly after arrival at the hospital. In revenge, the Nazis murdered 24 family members and close relatives of Jan Kubis in the concentration camp.

Jan Kubis

Adolf Opalka was injured by shrapnel, committed suicide. Shortly after his departure, on his 27thbirthday, Opalka wrote of homesickness:

I'm 27 years old today, the entire trip I pondered upon the words "Longing for home is a terrible thing, I know". Yes, only now do I know and understand. And this "homesickness" of Božena Němcová, which I never understood, is nothing compared to my longing for home. I'm willing to suffer through, and do whatever it takes, but only home and home and to honestly work, work for something... How can some speak of beauty, when they've never seen Rešice and the fields from Kordula to Rešice, who never strolled through the warm dirt there, who never felt the warm air and over the grain fields, who never saw our chapel in the milk of white cherries, Husák's garden, which always reminded me of Sholokhov, especially the dirt lumps under the "vortex" and the "Bare Hill" and all the other places on all of which I am. Parts of me are all over the world. In England, little was left of me, maybe more in Scotland... 27 years of life behind me. Death for my homeland. With that I have dealt, and am ready to do what it takes.
Adolf Opalka

The other agents names are Josef Bublik, Jan Hruby, Josef Valcik and Jaroslav Svarc.)

Crypt of the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Prague.

Crypt of the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Prague.

Bishop Gorazd took the blame for the actions in the church, in an attempt to minimize the reprisals among his flock, and even wrote letters to the Nazi authorities, who arrested him on 27 June 1942 and tortured him. On 4 September 1942, the bishop, the church's priests, and senior lay leaders were taken to Kobylisy Shooting Range in a northern suburb of Prague and shot by Nazi firing squads. For his actions, Bishop Gorazd was later glorified as a martyr by the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Future Aftermath

Heydrich's replacements were Ernst Kaltenbrunner as the chief of RSHA, and Karl Hermann Frank (27–28 May 1942) and Kurt Daluege (28 May 1942 – 14 October 1943) as the new acting Reichsprotektors. After Heydrich's death, implementation of the policies formalised at the Wannsee conference he chaired was accelerated. The first three true death camps, designed for mass killing with no legal process or pretext, were built and operated at Treblinka, Sobibór, and Bełżec. The project was named Operation Reinhard after Heydrich.


Operation Anthropoid from Wikipedia

Reinhard Heydrich from Wikipedia

Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia from Wikipedia

Czechoslovakia from Wikipedia

German occupation of Czechoslovakia from Wikipedia

Lidice massacre from Wikipedia

Jozef Gabčík from Wikipedia

Jan Kubiš from Wikipedia

Adolf Opálka from Wikipedia

Karel Čurda from Wikipedia

 2 ) 英国人为什么要特意刺杀海因里希?

改编自刺杀捷克斯洛伐克总督海因里希的事件。 看电影要懂历史。 二战中,英国人并没有刺杀德国军官或者执政官的传统,那么为什么偏偏要刺杀海因里希呢? 因为在二战德国的仆从国中,奥地利和匈牙利是自家人,保加利亚和罗马尼亚以及芬兰是自愿入伙;波兰与南斯拉夫是被强迫占领的,民间一直在抵抗;唯有捷克斯洛伐克比较特殊,是在半推半就中被德国占领的。捷克优秀的工业基础全部成了德国的资源,知道捷克式轻机枪吗? 所以,在捷克斯洛伐克和德国之间搞点事情,流点血,让捷克人与德国人之间的关系变坏,是符合英国利益的。 这次暗杀之后,很快就有了德国人报复的利迪策大屠杀事件。 电影最后,德国人围攻教堂,简直是神来之笔,可以与抗日神剧相比,五六个英国来的捷克籍伞兵,干掉了20多个围攻的德国兵。 这剧情,英国出钱了吧!

 3 ) 这一切都是为什么?

海德里希,当时总督,党卫队的高官。屠夫,犹太灭绝计划的制定者。但是,在当时的情况下,杀他 有何意义呀?




 4 ) 想起一部捷克电影但想不起片名(王寅)

鹅卵石街道湿漉漉的 布拉格湿漉漉的 公园拐角上姑娘吻了你 你的眼睛一眨不眨 后来面对枪口也是这样 党卫军雨衣反穿 像光亮的皮大衣 三轮摩托驶过 你和朋友们倒下去的时候 雨还在下 我看见一滴雨水与另一滴雨水 在电线上追逐 最后掉到鹅卵石路上 我想起你 嘴唇动了动 没有人看见

 5 ) 不在塞尚咖啡馆的非ABC

看电影的时候忽然之间, 我好像就看到了二战时期的abc,安灼拉可以是约瑟夫,艾潘妮是兰卡,向导公白飞可以是少尉,伽弗洛什是小提琴家。我曾以为的笨手笨脚的马吕斯可能是扬,还有不知名的、会念诗的热安,这里他说:懦夫死去无数次,但勇士只死去一次。















 6 ) 英雄的赞歌

看完“鸡哥电影解说”剧透而来的,下面附上链接: //b23.tv/EfAmdh 。 和平来之不易,英雄可歌可泣,战争年代总会出现很多的英雄,正是这些英雄的浴血奋战,才换来了今天的和平与繁荣。 根据历史事件改编,故事开始于1941年末,几名经过严格训练的捷克斯洛伐克士兵跳伞来到布拉格附近,其中有两人,叫杨和朱瑟夫,他们要执行一项名为“类人猿计划”的暗杀行动,这个暗杀行动的目标是被称为“布拉格屠夫”的海德里希,杨和朱瑟夫跳伞成功之后,朱瑟夫的腿被树枝刮伤,两人找到了当地一医生,医生看穿两人身份,并承诺会帮两人找到当地地下组织。 在医生帮助下,两人与地下组织的领导人海叔取得了联系,海叔一开始觉得暗杀海德里希之后,希特勒肯定会展开更疯狂的报复,但是在杨和朱瑟夫的坚定要求下,还是同意了这项计划,同时还说还介绍了组织内的姑娘安娜来协助他们,安娜在杨和朱瑟夫的建议下,找来另一位姑娘兰卡,这样他们扮成两对情侣走在路上就不会引起怀疑,扮作情侣这样的行为,为他们制定刺杀计划提供了不少便利。 另一边,原本执行别的计划的小队也赶过来,向杨和朱瑟夫表示,要助“类人猿行动”一臂之力,海叔那边则带来一个不太好的消息,他表示,海德里希即将前往巴黎,而且可能不会再回来了,这一消息加快了众人行动的步伐,他们很快制定了行动计划。 在制定好计划以后,杨和朱瑟夫提前赶到海德里希的车队会经过的地方进行埋伏,杨负责打掩护,朱瑟夫则负责刺杀海德里希,可是到了关键时刻,朱瑟夫的枪却怎么也开不了火,还是杨将一颗毒气炸弹扔到了海德里希的车子边,海德里希虽然负伤,却仍在顽抗,见此情景,众人只能边战边退。 撤退之后,安娜告诉杨和朱瑟夫,兰卡在撤退的途中被德军给射死,杨和朱瑟夫走投无路,逃入了当地的教堂,德军展开了疯狂的报复,开始屠杀无辜百姓,杨和朱瑟夫也曾想过出去自首,不过不管是神父还是战友,都劝他们不要这样做,他们希望他们两个可以活着,去完成更多的任务。 在德军高额悬赏的诱惑下,组织内部出现了叛徒,他将杨和朱瑟夫原来的据点汇报给了德军,德军前往那里抓了很多地下组织的人,其中一个小伙子受不了严刑拷打,说出了杨和朱瑟夫现在的下落,海叔也受到了德军的围捕,最后服毒自尽。 德军派出了大量的士兵围攻教堂,地下组织的人拼命顽抗,他们成功打退了德军的第一波进攻,但是等到德军第二波上来的时候,因为弹药不足,地下组织的人一个接一个牺牲,唯一可以逃生的楼梯也被德军占据,杨和朱瑟夫他们两个躲在教堂的地下室,眼见生还无望,杨开枪自杀,德军找到了地下室,甚至还发现了大量的地下组织的尸体,但是这其中并没有朱瑟夫的。 原来朱瑟夫带着几个人躲入了地道之中,后来德军也找到了地道,还派叛徒劝降,但是他们不为所动,依旧顽强抵抗,德军放水淹地下室,最终朱瑟夫等几人英勇牺牲,在战争中会有很多的英雄,如今的和平就是这些英雄通过自己的生命换来的,和平不易,需要珍惜。 完。

 7 ) 类人猿行动

暗杀者最初躲藏于两个布拉格家庭中,之后转往圣济利禄暨圣默多狄大教堂寻求庇护。盖世太保遍寻不着,直到外距的成员卡莱尔·可达被捕,并在100万帝国马克赏金的诱惑下供出当地接应人员的姓名。可达的背叛造成大量庇护家庭遭到袭击。以莫拉维克一家为例,6月17日清晨5点,盖世太保冲进公寓并要他们站在走廊等待。莫拉维克太太被允许去上厕所,旋即服下氰化物自杀。莫拉维克先生则同其儿子阿塔被带往培瑟克宫(Peček Palác),当时盖世太保于捷克之总部。阿塔在里面遭到刑求,更痛苦的是见到母亲的头颅在鱼缸中载浮载沉,最后他无可奈何,言其所知。 党卫队在得知暗杀者所在地后,马上包围了教堂。然而在700多名德国士兵攻坚下,志士们皆奋战至死。其中3名,包括暗杀海德里希的库比兹,在两小时的枪战后,于祷告阁楼中被杀(亦有传闻指出库比兹突围成功,但在逃出后伤重不治)。另外4名则在击退一波党卫队攻势后,全员在地窖内自杀,其中包括盖伯瑟克。整个攻坚过程中,德军动用了烟熏逼出与消防车水攻,却仍无法抓到活口。事后党卫队的伤亡人数众说纷纭,民间传闻14死21伤,党卫队的官方数字为0死5伤。无论如何,志士们以小口径手枪和配备机枪榴弹之德军对峙了两小时,仍属不易。:勾陈一cr



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“我儿子是个小提琴家”这句话说了好几次,终于听到他拉巴小无,那一段很感人。总体来说后半段“类人猿行动失败之后”比前半段好。Petr Mojzes是捷克一位小提琴手吧。

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